
Student Loans IRS Debt

Answering Your Questions About Student Loans and Tax Debts in Bankruptcy
Many people misunderstand how student loans and personal income tax debts are affected by filing bankruptcy. At The Troglin Firm in North Atlanta, we offer a free lawyer consultation to answer your questions.
William "Mike" Troglin is a bankruptcy attorney with more than 28 years of experience. Mr. Troglin provides tough advocacy to help his clients obtain the maximum advantages offered by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Are Tax Debts Discharged in Bankruptcy?

Any personal income tax debts that are over three years old are dischargeable in bankruptcy, as long as you filed income tax returns for those years.
Even if the tax is nondischargeable or if the Internal Revenue Service has a placed a lien on your property, an aggressive attorney can usually negotiate a workout with the IRS, often for pennies on the dollar.

Are Student Loans Discharged in Bankruptcy?
Student loans are not dischargeable. Depending on the amount of student loans you owe, the student loan debt can be a significant problem in bankruptcy.
If you can pay off your student loans in 60 months, we can place the payments in a Chapter 13 plan. You will still have to repay 100 percent of the student loans. You will, however, put a stop to creditor harassment and garnishments during the 60-month period. In addition, interest will not accrue on past-due amounts.
If you owe too much to pay off in 60 months, then you can pay your student loan outside of the Chapter 13 plan. Interest will continue to accrue, however.

Free Attorney Consultation

Your initial consultation is always free at The Troglin Firm. To schedule an appointment with lawyer William M. Troglin, call 678-894-2931 (877-839-9186 toll free) or fill out the contact form on this site. We are located in the Oak Lake Office Center in North Atlanta.